Location: KwaZulu Natal Department of Social Development (KZNDSD)
Job Type Classification: Permanent
Closing Date: Not Specified
Salary: R 216 417 p.a. Level 05
- Qualifications: Grade 12 or Matric.
- Understanding: Basic familiarity with the PFMA, Treasury Regulations,
- Public Service Regulations, and the Public Service Act Fundamental understanding of supply chain responsibilities and procedures,
- together with the capacity to record information, run a computer,
- and compile statistics fundamental understanding of workplace procedures.
- Communication, interpersonal relationships,
- planning and organization, language, teamwork, computer use,
- and numeracy are among the skills.
- Offer clerical assistance for asset management.
- Offer clerical support on demand.
- Offer clerical assistance for acquisition.
- Offer assistance with logistics.
How to Apply?
Click the Button Below to Apply Online..
Direct or hand deliver applications for all advertised posts to the address as indicated below:
Head Office: Department of Social Development, Private Bag X9144, Pietermaritzburg 3200 or hand deliver to 174 Mayors Walk Road, Pietermaritzburg 3200 or email to: – kznjobs@kzndsd.gov.za For Attention: Ms PN Mkhize.